To succeed in a highly competitive global market, product performance at each stage of the supply chain is critical. We work with you to ensure your materials are suitable for the various processes and suitable for the end use.
Application support is a recognized strength of Peak Kong Special Steel, with research centers dedicated to the Steructural engineering, Focus on your supply chain Application support is a recognized strength of Peak Kong Special Steel, with research centers dedicated to the Structural engineering, and Machinery sectors. To meet your application needs, our team leverages extensive “in-use” knowledge and expertise to:
- Evaluate material performance requirements at all steps along the chain
- Establish the most relevant material properties for your end application
We consider all steps in your supply chain when providing material recommendations, we consider:
- Part design
- surface treatment
- Fatigue requirements
- Corrosion protection requirements
- Effect of temperature on final product usage
- Final product performance requirements such as strength or lightweight

To ensure rapid analysis and resolution of issues, we bring our mobile testing facilities directly to your site. Our capabilities include:
- Full field strain distribution map
- Techniques for coupling material properties to tool-related geometry
Because product performance can be affected by many factors, we work with you to evaluate the impact of product design, the materials you use, and the manufacturing environment.
To avoid you investing in non-core R&D, we provide specialized analysis and testing to meet your application needs. We use the latest support methods and testing facilities to help you.
- Eliminate processing problems
- Optimize your process
- Get the best results from our materials
- Application development prototype
- Extensive component testing – high impact, corrosion, compression, fatigue, static and dynamic dents
- Advanced geometric measurement of final product contours and profiles