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Application of Ti Gr 1 / 3.7025 structural profiles in nuclear power plants 2024-9-20

Titanium Grade 1 (Ti Gr 1 / 3.7025) is increasingly recognized for its use in nuclear power plants due to its unique properties. Here is an overview of its applications in this critical area:

Application of Titanium Grade 1 structural profiles in nuclear power plants

Cooling system – Heat exchanger: Titanium Grade 1 is used in the heat exchanger because of its excellent corrosion resistance in high temperatures and corrosive environments, which is essential for cooling the reactor core.
– Piping systems: Piping systems used to transport coolant, where resistance to corrosion and erosion is crucial.

Containment structure – Structural supports: Structural profiles used in containment buildings and other critical support structures to ensure stability and safety in extreme conditions.
– Reinforcement elements: used as reinforcement of concrete structures to increase durability and earthquake resistance.

Fuel treatment system – Fuel Storage Racks: Titanium Grade 1 profiles are used in storage racks for nuclear fuel assemblies, providing strength and resistance to radiation damage.
– Transport containers: Containers suitable for transporting nuclear fuel, where lightweight and strong materials are essential for safety and efficiency.

Radiation Shielding – Shielded construction: used for structural components that require radiation shielding, benefiting from titanium’s ability to withstand harsh environments while providing the necessary protection.

Instrumentation and control systems – Support frame: Structural frame for sensor and control systems where stability and resistance to environmental factors are crucial for accurate monitoring.
– Reprocessing facilities: Structural profiles used for processing nuclear material reprocessing facilities.

Advantages of Titanium Grade 1 in Nuclear Power Applications

1. Corrosion resistance: Excellent resistance to corrosion by coolants and other corrosive chemicals in nuclear environments.
2. High strength-to-weight ratio: Significant weight reduction is possible, which is beneficial to structural design, especially in areas with strict weight restrictions.
3. Low thermal expansion: Minimal thermal expansion reduces the risk of structural deformation under different temperature conditions.
4. Radiation resistance: It can still maintain its mechanical properties and integrity under radiation exposure, and is suitable for long-term use in nuclear facilities.
5. Biocompatibility: Although not directly related to nuclear applications, its biocompatibility is advantageous in any potential interaction with biological systems.


– Cost: The higher material cost of titanium compared to traditional materials such as steel can be a limiting factor.
– Manufacturing challenges: Requires specialized cutting and welding techniques, skilled labor and advanced equipment.

The use of Titanium Grade 1 titanium structural profiles in nuclear power plants improves safety, efficiency and longevity. As the industry continues to evolve, the need for materials that can withstand harsh conditions while providing structural integrity is likely to increase.
Peak Kong Special Steel Co., Limited. provides structural profiles such as I-beams, H-beams, channel steels, angle steels, square tubes, flat tubes, and round tubes.
If you need more specific information or examples, please feel free to ask Peak Kong Special Steel!
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